Wednesday, March 9, 2011

40: The Documentary

As a community, we are working together to do 40 acts of sacrifice, charity and almsgiving this Lent. Every teen or adult volunteer is invited to do one or more of the acts this year as part of your Lenten journey. Some are one time only, others are for all of Lent. As you do these acts, please video tape yourself and send them onto me at or I'm hoping to compile them into a documentary at the end. I want to know if it was easy or hard, if you know why it was on the list, what your thoughts are about it etc.

If you'd like to take one of the 40 things on the list, please just leave a comment below. If you see initials next to something, that means that someone has already taken it. If it's crossed off, it's been completed.

1. Get up on first ring of alarm (no snoozing (EJ/IM)
2. Be kind to siblings (MH)
3. No texting week (EA and DJ)
4. No texting for all of Lent
5. No facebook for all of Lent (TD)
6. No meat for all of Lent (DJ)
7. No slacking at school (SD)
8. Additional Daily mass per week (EA)
9. No sweets for all of Lent: JL, MB
10. Fasting every Friday of Lent
11. Attend Friday Stations of the Cross SD
12. Go to confession
13. Pray a Rosary PO/BH
14. Holy Hour
15. Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet
16. Being on time to Youth Group
17. Read the Readings BEFORE mass (GRL, JKL)
18. 10 minutes of prayer Daily (A.O.)
19. No buying sweets/candy
20. No fun until Homework is done each day. BH
21. Read the passion narratives in the Gospels.
22. Read this blog
23. No Glee: KB
24. Give up your favorite show for Lent
25. Morning prayer (EJ).
26. Participate in Operation Rice Bowl
27. Prepare for WYD by doing a pilgrimage (IM)
28. Donate to a charity
29. Give money at mass each week
30. Sell possession, give money to the Church (TE)
31. Donate some clothing that you like
32. Raise money for SuperDance MH/JC
33. Pilgrimage to a Catholic Shrine EJ
34. Pray with a friend at school AM?/GL
35. Do things that your parents ask of you without being asked more than once.
36. Eat only simple lunches during the week at school. MH
37. Give away the posession that means the most to you.
38. Babysit for free.
39. Attend all three masses/services during the Triduum MC
40. Attend the Easter Vigil JC/MH


  1. Put me down for "no Glee!" And if anybody is looking for kids to babysit for free I can set you up.

  2. What a great list! I will definitely do some of these!
