Wednesday, March 5, 2014

58 Things you can give up or add for Lent

Sure, it's Ash Wednesday already, but here's a list of 58 things you can give up or add on in case you're stumped.

58 Things you can give up or add for Lent:
1. Get up on first ring of alarm (no snoozing)
2. Be kind to siblings
3. No texting week
4. No texting for all of Lent
5. No facebook for all of Lent
6. No meat for all of Lent
7. No slacking at school
8. Additional Daily mass per week
9. No sweets for all of Lent
10. Fasting every Friday of Lent
11. Attend Friday Stations of the Cross
12. Go to confession
13. Pray a Rosary
14. Holy Hour
15. Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet
16. Being on time to Sunday Night Sessions
17. Read the Readings BEFORE mass
18. 10 minutes of prayer Daily
19. No buying sweets/candy
20. No fun until Homework is done each day.
21. Read the passion narratives in the Gospels.
22. Read this blog
23. Not watching any TV
24. Give up your favorite show for Lent
25. Morning prayer
26. Participate in Operation Rice Bowl
27. Early mass on Wednesdays
28. Donate to a charity
29. Give money at mass each week
30. Sell possession, give money to the Church
31. Donate some clothing that you like
32. Raise money for Super Dance
33. Pilgrimage to a Catholic Shrine
34. Pray with a friend at school
35. Do things that your parents ask of you without being asked more than once.
36. Eat only simple lunches during the week at school.
37. Give away the possession that means the most to you.
38. Babysit for free.
39. Attend all three masses/services during the Triduum
40. Attend the Easter Vigil
41. No loungy pants
42. No starbucks
43. Don't take the best spot available in the parking lot
44. Take the worst parking spot you can find 
45. Make the bed everyday before you leave the bedroom
46. Don't use the dishwasher
47. Don't buy anything (except maybe food)
48. Don't eat out at restaurants
49. Say one decade of the Rosary as a family each day
50. Turn off the radio in the car
51. Get up at a specific time each morning
52. Go to bed at a specific time each night
53. Read a book aloud as a family
54. Give up caffeine 
55. Turn the lights off in empty rooms
56. Have lights turned on in only one room at a time
57. Don't use electricity
58. Do an Examination of Conscience and say the Act of Contrition at night


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