Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 12, 2015

Read It:
Jesus was driving out a demon that was mute,
and when the demon had gone out,
the mute man spoke and the crowds were amazed.
Some of them said, “By the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons,
he drives out demons.”
Others, to test him, asked him for a sign from heaven.
But he knew their thoughts and said to them,
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste
and house will fall against house.
And if Satan is divided against himself,
how will his kingdom stand?
For you say that it is by Beelzebul that I drive out demons.
If I, then, drive out demons by Beelzebul,
by whom do your own people drive them out?
Therefore they will be your judges.
But if it is by the finger of God that I drive out demons,
then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.
When a strong man fully armed guards his palace,
his possessions are safe.
But when one stronger than he attacks and overcomes him,
he takes away the armor on which he relied
and distributes the spoils.
Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters.”

Reflect on It: As lent progresses, we see that the Lord is healing people, casting out demons and getting his flock ready for the fact that the most important thing of all time is about to happen. I think today's gospel really speaks of our need to be people who are committed to something. If we're not for God, we're against him. I think this half hearted lukewarm apathy that a lot of us take about something in our lives is what Christ is rising us to push past today. He's asking for us to be committed to him, with our whole hearts and our whole soul. I know sometimes for me that seems to be a lot, but I'm glad that the Lord of the universe is merciful and allows us plenty of chances to get it right.

Pray about It: Sweet Jesus, help me examine my life today and see where I have grown lukewarm in loving you and defending you. I love you Lord! Amen.

Live It! Challenge: Today, make an examination of conscience and really pray through the areas where you have grown slack.


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