Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Schedule

Check out our summer schedule below to see what's happening with youth ministry this summer!

St James Summer Schedule 2011
For more information contact Em Anderson at 703-241-2390 or eanderson@stjamescatholic.org

Mellow Mondays: Every Monday starting June 6 from 6:15-7:30 pm at Stacy’s Coffeehouse (709 West Broad Street). We will be doing different things each week, but will most likely be discussing a fabulous book. Senior High only.

Grace and Grub (formerly Lunch Bunch): Every Tuesday of the Summer starting June 21st. Attend Noon mass together, then go some place for lunch. Where we go is up to you. Approximate time: 12-2 pm. Meet at mass. Senior High only.

Open Gym**: Every other Friday night, beginning June 24th from3:00-4:30 pm(June 24, July 7, July 22, August 12, August 19). Come play basketball, kickball, bucketball, Frisbee or anything that you want in the gym. Open to Junior High and Senior High students.

Weekly Trips as follows:
Most trips require a fee to attend. This fee goes towards admission prices, to offset gas, etc. Spots are reserved by turning in a permission slip and payment. All permission slips, will be made available at least 2 weeks ahead of time outside of Em’s office, the rectory office and hopefully in the back of the main entrance of the Church. All trips are subject to change between now and when permission slips go out.

June 12: Summer Kick off: Watch Despicable Me near the playground behind the rectory. 8:00-10:30 pm
June 17: Deanery 1 Classy and Sassy Dance. Meet at St. Phillip’s. 7-11 pm.
June 22: Nationals Game. Meet at 5:45 pm at West Falls Church Metro Station
June 29: All Day Scavenger Hunt. Meet at St. James 9 am- 5pm**.
July 5-6: Decades Theme Lock-in Heller Hall 9 pm-7 am.
July13: Messy Olympics. Held in Lot B 1:00-3:30 pm. Wear clothes you can get dirty.
July 15-17: Steubenville Youth Conference. Previous RSVP required.
July 23-29th: WorkCamp: Woodbridge, Va. Previous RSVP required.
August 5: Diocesan day at Kings Dominion. Time TBD.**
August 10: Trip to the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception 10 am- 3 pm.**
August 17: Bowling. Time TBD.**
August 29: End of Summer Bash: Pool Party 3:30-5:30 pm.**

The summer is going to be epic, so get ready for some fun. Participation in all of these events is optional and students are invited to attend as often as they would like. All RISING 9th graders-Graduated Seniors are invited to attend any of these trips. Trips and activities with stars are open Junior High Students (grades 6-8). Drivers will be required for these trips, so if any adults can help, it would be greatly appreciated.