This weekend, on Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI beatified Pope John Paul II. Beatification is the first step to full canonization in the Church. It means that the person who is beatified is in Heaven and has interceded in a miracle since their death. In order to be fully canonized, Blessed John Paul II will have to have one more miracle attributed to him.
This is a huge deal for the Church. I was fortunate enough to be on retreat with many of you and I shared this talk, but I thought I would write it down for the rest of the blogoverse (that's the blogging universe).
The Leaders of the Church are quick to say that the beatification of JPII has more to do with his life than his papacy, but I'm going to focus on both.
I want us to focus on firve things that John Paul II taught us: prayer, holiness, devotion to Mary, Love and suffering.
1. Prayer: John Paul was a champion of prayer--he would spend hours in prayer daily. he was so busy, but nothing came in between him and prayer time.
I once heard a story about JP2 where something big was going on in the world and his aides had to interrupt him during holy hour. They went in and said, "Holy Father, this big crazy thing has happened and it needs your attention" and his reply was "do not interrupt my prayer time". Again, a while later, the aides went in said the same thing and were met with the same reply. Finally, still concerned about what was happening, his aides go in one more time: "Holy Father, why are you not doing anything about what is happening?" John Paul simply holds up his rosary and says: "I AM!" This is the type of prayer life that we are called too. How quick are we to not pray because we have so much going on. JP II was constantly in prayer. He knew the love of the Eucharist.
2. Holiness: If you know me at all, I will tell you that holiness is undeniably attractive. John Paul's holiness, his being set apart, his life LIVED for Christ is what made him attractive to the world. He did not waiver, he knew who he was and he walked with humble confidence that he was a child of God. That was his identity and he knew it!
His holiness is what attracted people to him. Even atheists loved him! We see this especially post death with the number of pilgrims that flocked to see him as he lay in state. People came from all over to pay their respects! He laid down his life for his flock--he was so beloved. He was holy and people could not deny that.
3. Devotion to Mary: John Paul lived his pontificate with the words: Totus Tuus, which means totally yours. John Paul II gave himself completely over to Our Lady. Through her, he knew he could do anything. Mary has Jesus' ear! He knew that. One of the beautiful parts of his papacy is that he ended every encyclical with a prayer and some thoughts on Mary. She was at the forefront of his heart and he know she would interceed on our behalf. He was confident that we too should seek her intercession.
4. Love: John Paul loved everyone. To be near him was to experience Christ's love. Enough said.
5. Suffering: John Paul II teaches us how to suffer with great dignity. I used to hate pictures of him old and bent and frail from his Parkinsons, but in these pictures, we see true love, true suffering united to Christ's suffering for the love of his flock. If we take it back old school style, we see that when Jesus was on earth, he did not heal everyone. He could have healed everyone, He is Jeus, but he did not. In that moment, we see the Christ gives dignity to suffering. He allows us to pick up our cross and follow him. He says in that moment that there is a reason for that suffering; that there is meaning to it! This is what John Paul taught us. Sure, Jesus could have cured him, but he did not and in that, we see that John Paul picked up his very public, very painful cross and followed the Lord. He gave beauty to suffering and helped us to see it's meaning. To follow Christ, you will have to sacrifice and you will have to offer your life. John Paul did it with such grace and such beauty.
I have the chance to journey with so many of you as you carry the different crosses in your life. I am always amazed at the profound dignity to which you give your suffering. You are dealing with some crazy heavy stuff. Christ is calling you to carry that cross. My friends, John Paul II is the saint for you! Pray to him, ask him to help carry your cross and ask him to teach you how to suffer with dignity.
Thank you Sweet Jesus for the gift of John Paul II to our Church and the world. Through his love, holiness, devotion to our Lady, Prayer and suffering, he taught us how to follow you. Help us to do the same! Blessed John Paul II, pray for us!
John Paul II we love you!